Saturday, January 21, 2012

Another Saturday of yard work

William is feeling much better although he is still very cranky we are thinking the antibiotics are disagreeing with his tummy! He however feels well enough to get outside with dad and help move some rock lol only my boys.

I can't believe how time flys my baby is turning into a little boy

Monday, January 16, 2012

Today's exploration

My mom is staying with us while her house gets redone which means Toby my first boxer gets to stay with us, him and olive have become buddies!

today was a long day William woke up grumpy but by the time the antibiotics kicked in he was feeling a bit better. but still running a fever so I did the old cool bath trick and let him run around in his birthday suite for awhile. It worked like a charm so well he wanted to go outside and play in his new house grandma and grandpa Hann gave him for Christmas!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sick boy

Well we made it a year with out having a baby with a fever until last night! Poor baby is burning up darn molars thank goodness for children's Advil!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


My aunt and uncle got Chris and William matching shirts for Christmas they where so cute doing yard work together!


I just love Saturday mornings with my boys and mickey mouse clubhouse! Hotdog lol